Life at Vana'diel

Monday, October 18, 2004

Yeah THF60

Finally my thief reaches lvl60 today, After 5 hours party. ^^
Then went to Castle Oztroja to try my luck, and I FOUND THE TREASURE COFFER right after the leech pool. With finger crossed, I tried to open the coffer with living keys. "You unlock the chest! You found an Astral Ring"^^
Wow, it is sweet! I flee out of the Castle Oztroja and heading back to Jeuno, since my LS members are waiting for me for lvl61~63 party. It is not the happiest moment yet, I found the price of Astral ring is 230K! ( the normal price range was 180K ~200K). Immediately I put my Astral ring in the auction house, then went for the party^^.
Party at onzozo is a bit messy at beginning, because there are total 4 parties there -.-? All the Temoras are pulled right after spawn. And I keep missing the mob during fighting, which is so ........ (I must go Castle Oztroja more often to earn more gil now >.<) Still Managed to get around 4K exp after 2hours party.
And i found my Astal ring was sold after returning to Jeuno W...
What a lucky day!


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